Hoya Linearis
Hoya Linearis is a unique hanging houseplant, known for its long, thin, drooping stems adorned with small, elongated, pale green, soft, slightly downy leaves. Unlike other Hoya varieties, it is distinguished by its soft texture and finer appearance. In summer, it produces delicate white star-shaped flowers with a yellow center, adding extra charm to this already fascinating plant.
- Light: Favor bright indirect light to encourage flowering, but it also tolerates moderate light. Avoid direct sun, which can burn its delicate leaves.
- Watering: Water moderately, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Reduce watering in winter when the plant is dormant.
- Humidity: Hoya Linearis likes moderate to high humidity. Mist its leaves or place it near a humidifier, especially during dry months.
- Temperature: It prefers temperatures between 15°C and 25°C. Make sure it is not exposed to temperatures below 10°C.
- Care: Prune lightly to control stem length and encourage fuller growth. It appreciates being in a well-drained pot.
With its slim and elegant appearance, the Hoya Linearis is perfect for hanging or shelving, adding a natural and elegant touch to any interior.

Hoya Linearis

Size: 4.5" (HB)
291 route 132
Port-Daniel QC G0C 2N0
cancel Pickup currently unavailable at Boutique Créations entre mer et montagne