Easy to maintain

Transform your indoor space into a tranquil haven with our collection of easy-to-care-for plants, ideal for the beginner or busy green enthusiast.
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Nematanthus 'Goldfish'

Nematanthus 'Goldfish'

Nematanthus , also known as the "goldfish plant", is a perennial houseplant belonging to the Gesneriaceae family. It is native to the tropical rainforests of South America, mainly Brazil. Its common name comes from its small, fish-shaped flowers, which are usually bright orange or red. The rounded, slightly swollen shape of the flowers is indeed reminiscent of a fish, making it a fun decorative plant. The foliage of Nematanthus consists of small, oval, shiny, waxy leaves that have a thick texture typical of succulents. It is often grown as a hanging basket to show off its drooping stems, making it an excellent ornamental plant for interiors. Nematanthus Care Light : Nematanthus prefers bright but indirect light. It can tolerate low light, but it blooms best in abundant light. Avoid exposing it to direct full sun, as this can burn its delicate leaves. Watering : Although this plant has slightly succulent leaves that can retain moisture, it prefers regular but moderate watering. Wait until the soil surface is dry before watering, especially in winter. In summer, increase the frequency of watering slightly, but avoid leaving the roots in standing water. Humidity : Nematanthus likes a humid environment. If the air in your home is dry, especially in winter with the heating on, you can increase the humidity around the plant by misting it lightly or placing a humidifier nearby. Temperature : This plant prefers temperatures between 18 and 24°C. It does not tolerate cold and must be protected from cold drafts, especially if grown near an open window in winter. Substrate : Use a light, well-drained potting soil. A tropical plant mix or African violet potting soil may work well, as Nematanthus likes slightly acidic, well-aerated soil. Fertilization : During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize every 4 to 6 weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted by half. Reduce fertilization in the fall and winter when growth slows. Repotting : Repot every two years, in spring, in a slightly larger pot. Use a pot with good drainage, as the roots do not tolerate excess water. Pruning : Prune stems after flowering to promote more compact growth and encourage new flowering. You can also remove dead or damaged leaves. Propagation : Nematanthus is easily propagated by stem cuttings. Take a 10 cm cutting, let it dry for a day or two, then place it in a moist mixture of cutting soil. Roots should appear within a few weeks. Toxicity : Nematanthus is not toxic to pets, making it a safe plant to have in the home if you have pets. Nematanthus is an easy-care plant that's perfect for beginners and experienced houseplant enthusiasts alike, with its playful flowers and lush foliage that add an exotic touch to any indoor space.

Regular price $19.99 CAD
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Chlorophytum Laxum "Bonnie "Curly spider" 4"
Chlorophytum Laxum "Bonnie "Curly spider" 4"

Chlorophytum Laxum "Bonnie "Curly spider" 4"

Le Chlorophytum Bonnie, communément appelé "plante araignée frisée" est une variété de Chlorophytum très appréciée pour son feuillage unique et ses qualités ornementales. Contrairement au Chlorophytum classique, ses feuilles sont légèrement torsadées et frisées, avec des bandes vertes et blanches. Elle produit également de longues tiges fines qui portent des petites plantules (bébés) pouvant être replantées, rappelant la forme d’une araignée, d’où son surnom. OrigineOriginaire d'Afrique du Sud, cette plante est connue pour sa robustesse et sa capacité à s’adapter à divers environnements d'intérieur. Entretien du Chlorophytum Bonnie Lumière : Elle préfère une lumière vive indirecte, mais peut tolérer une faible luminosité. Evitez cependant le soleil direct, qui pourrait brûler ses feuilles. Arrosage : Gardez le sol légèrement humide. Arrosez lorsque la couche supérieure du sol est sèche, en général une fois par semaine. En hiver, réduisez la fréquence d'arrosage car la plante entre en dormance. Humidité : Elle n'est pas trop exigeante en termes d'humidité, mais une humidité modérée (40-50 %) est idéale. Vaporiser légèrement les feuilles pendant les périodes sèches ou en hiver peut être bénéfique. Température : Le Chlorophytum Bonnie prospère dans des températures entre 18 et 24°C. Il supporte mal les températures inférieures à 10°C ou les courants d'air froid. Substrat : Un terreau bien drainant, composé de terre pour plantes d’intérieur mélangée à un peu de perlite, est parfait pour éviter que les racines ne pourrissent. Fertilisation : Fertilisez une fois par mois pendant la saison de croissance (printemps et été) avec un engrais liquide équilibré. En automne et en hiver, il n'est pas nécessaire de fertiliser. Entretien des feuilles : Nettoyez les feuilles de temps en temps pour enlever la poussière et permettre une bonne respiration de la plante. Les bouts bruns des feuilles peuvent être coupés à l’aide de ciseaux désinfectés. Rempotage : Rempotez tous les 1 à 2 ans, lorsque la plante devient trop grande pour son pot. Le Chlorophytum Bonnie aime être légèrement à l’étroit dans son pot, donc choisissez un pot légèrement plus grand lors du rempotage. Multiplication : Le Chlorophytum Bonnie se multiplie facilement grâce à ses plantules (bébés araignées) qui poussent à l'extrémité de ses tiges. Vous pouvez les détacher et les replanter dans un petit pot avec de la terre pour les voir grandir. Toxicité : Cette plante est non toxique pour les animaux domestiques, ce qui en fait un excellent choix pour les foyers avec des animaux. Le Chlorophytum Bonnie est une plante facile d'entretien et très décorative, parfaite pour les débutants et pour ajouter une touche de verdure élégante à votre maison.

Regular price From $12.99 CAD
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Monstera Adansonii
Philodendron Cordatum
Philodendron Cordatum

Philodendron Cordatum

Philodendron Cordatum is a popular and versatile variety of philodendron, loved for its attractive foliage and ease of care. Native to tropical regions of Central and South America, this plant belongs to the Araceae family and is widely grown as a houseplant for its beauty and ability to purify the air. The leaves of Philodendron Cordatum are heart-shaped and a bright, shiny green. They can vary in size, but are generally small to medium sized. This plant is prized for its vigorous growth and ability to adapt to a variety of growing conditions, making it an ideal choice for indoor gardening beginners. As for care, Philodendron Cordatum thrives in a bright to partially shaded environment, with bright indirect light. It tolerates standard indoor temperatures well and prefers medium to high ambient humidity. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid excess water which can lead to root rot. This tropical plant tolerates periods of drought well and appreciates well-drained soil to avoid water stagnation around the roots. It may also benefit from light fertilization during the growing season to encourage healthy growth. Philodendron Cordatum is generally pest and disease resistant, making it an excellent choice for beginning gardeners or those looking for an undemanding houseplant. With proper care, it can thrive and bring a touch of greenery and freshness to your indoor space. *Our plants are sold in growing pots, pot holders not included.

Regular price From $10.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price From $10.99 CAD
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Aloe vera
Aloe vera

Tillandsia Usneoides

Approx. length 24" Tillandsia Usneoides , commonly known as "Spanish moss", is a rootless epiphytic plant that grows in long, silvery-gray, pendulous, and light filaments. Native to tropical and subtropical regions of America, this air plant is often seen hanging from trees, bringing an elegant and airy touch to any environment. Unlike most plants, it does not plant itself in the ground, but hangs and captures its nutrients and water directly from the air. Care : Light : Tillandsia Usneoides prefers bright indirect light. It can tolerate morning or late afternoon sun, but avoid intense direct sun which can dry it out. Watering : Spray the plant generously several times a week with non-calcareous water (rain or filtered water). Allow to dry completely between waterings. In dry climates, a weekly immersion in water for 15-20 minutes is recommended. Humidity : It likes high humidity, so it thrives in humid environments or when misted regularly. In dry homes, a humidifier can be beneficial. Temperature : Ideal between 15°C and 30°C. It tolerates a certain variation in temperature, but does not resist frost. Fertilizer : You can spray a diluted liquid fertilizer for epiphytes once a month during the growing season (spring-summer), but it is not mandatory. Location : Hang in a well-ventilated area where air can circulate freely. It looks great hanging from hooks or draped over branches or decorative supports. Tillandsia Usneoides is a fascinating and undemanding plant, perfect for creating a natural and original atmosphere without the need for a pot or soil!

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 CAD
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Philodendron Prince of Orange

Philodendron Prince of Orange

Philodendron Prince of Orange is a variety of philodendron popular for its brightly colored and attractive leaves. Native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, this plant is prized for its ease of maintenance and its decorative appearance. The leaves of the Philodendron Prince of Orange are generally bright green when young, then take on orange hues as they mature, hence its evocative name. This color transition adds a touch of vibrancy to the plant, making it an ideal choice for adding color and warmth to any interior space. When it comes to care, the Philodendron Prince of Orange prefers a bright to partially shaded environment, with bright indirect light. It tolerates standard indoor temperatures well and prefers medium to high ambient humidity. It is recommended to water the plant regularly to keep the soil slightly moist, avoiding excess water which could cause root rot. This tropical plant tolerates periods of drought well and prefers well-drained soil to avoid water stagnation around the roots. It may also benefit from light fertilization during the growing season to encourage healthy, vigorous growth. In summary, the Philodendron Prince of Orange is a charming, easy-to-care-for houseplant that brings a pop of bright color and tropical ambiance to any indoor environment. With proper care, it can thrive and become an attractive part of your interior design.

Regular price $24.99 CAD
Regular price $29.99 CAD Sale price $24.99 CAD
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Dracaena marginata 'bicolor'
Dracaena marginata 'bicolor'
Dracaena marginata 'bicolor'

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Philodendron Micans

Philodendron Micans

Philodendron Micans is a charming and sought-after variety of philodendron, known for its velvety, deep green leaves with shades of bronze and purple. Native to tropical regions of Central and South America, this plant belongs to the Araceae family and is appreciated for its beauty and ease of care. The leaves of the Philodendron Micans are heart-shaped and have a velvety texture which gives them a luxurious appearance. The dark green color of the leaves is often enhanced by bronze and purple reflections when exposed to light. This plant is generally grown in pots and can be suspended or climbing thanks to its creeping stems. When it comes to care, Philodendron Micans thrives in a bright to partially shaded environment, benefiting from bright indirect light. It tolerates standard indoor temperatures well and prefers medium to high ambient humidity. It is recommended to water the plant regularly to keep the soil slightly moist, avoiding excess water which could cause root rot. This tropical plant tolerates periods of drought well and prefers well-drained soil to avoid water stagnation around the roots. It may also benefit from light fertilization during the growing season to encourage healthy, vigorous growth. In summary, the Philodendron Micans is an elegant and easy-to-care-for houseplant that adds a touch of sophistication and beauty to any indoor environment. With proper care, it can thrive and become a standout feature of your interior design.

Regular price From $22.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price From $22.99 CAD
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Zamioculas Zamiifolia "ZZ"
Zamioculas Zamiifolia "ZZ"


Philodendron hederaceum 'Rio'

Philodendron hederaceum 'Rio'

Philodendron Rio is a rare and elegant variety of Philodendron hederaceum. It is distinguished by its heart-shaped leaves with unique variegated patterns. The leaves are mainly green, but they are marked with silver or cream bands that stretch along the central vein, creating a beautiful contrast. This climbing or trailing plant is ideal for hanging baskets or trellises, which help to highlight its long stems and dense foliage. The Philodendron Rio is an easy-care tropical plant, making it a great choice for indoor plant lovers, including beginners. It brings a touch of lush nature indoors with its elegant leaves. Philodendron Rio Care Light : Philodendron Rio prefers indirect, moderate to bright light . It can tolerate low light, but this can slow its growth and diminish the colors of its leaves. Too much direct light can cause burn on the more delicate variegated leaves. Watering : Water sparingly, making sure to let the soil dry out between waterings . Generally, watering every 1 to 2 weeks is sufficient, but this depends on the humidity and ambient temperature. Make sure the pot has good drainage to prevent root rot. Humidity : This tropical plant enjoys moderate to high humidity . If the air in your home is dry, especially in winter, consider lightly misting the leaves or using a humidifier to maintain a good humidity level. Temperature : Philodendron Rio thrives in normal indoor temperatures, around 18 to 26°C . It does not tolerate temperatures below 15°C well. Protect it from cold drafts. Substrate : Use a well-draining, light and airy potting soil. A tropical plant mix or a houseplant mix with perlite and pine bark can work well. Good drainage is crucial to avoid overwatering the roots. Fertilization : During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize every 4 to 6 weeks with a diluted balanced houseplant fertilizer . Reduce fertilization in the fall and winter when growth slows. Repotting : Repot your Philodendron Rio every 2 to 3 years, or when you see roots emerging from the pot. Repotting should be done in the spring to give the plant some room to grow. Pruning : Prune stems as needed to maintain a compact shape or encourage branching. Stem cuttings are an excellent method for propagating the plant or rejuvenating a Philodendron Rio. Propagation : Stem cuttings are the easiest way to propagate Philodendron Rio. Take a cutting with at least one node and place it in water or a mixture of perlite and sphagnum moss to develop roots. Toxicity : Philodendron Rio is toxic to pets and humans if ingested. Philodendron Rio is a low maintenance climbing plant, perfect for creating a lush effect with its elegantly variegated leaves.

Regular price $38.99 CAD
Regular price $49.99 CAD Sale price $38.99 CAD
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Dracaena 'Bantel's Sensation'

Dracaena 'Bantel's Sensation'

La Dracaena 'Bantel’s Sensation' est une variété élégante de dracaena, prisée pour ses longues feuilles fines, verticales, rayées de vert foncé et de blanc crème. Cette plante apporte une touche sophistiquée à tout intérieur avec son port élancé et ses teintes subtiles. En plus de sa beauté, elle est également reconnue pour sa capacité à purifier l'air, en enlevant les toxines courantes présentes dans les espaces fermés. Entretien : Lumière : Elle préfère une lumière vive indirecte, mais tolère également la lumière faible. Cependant, des conditions lumineuses favoriseront une croissance plus rapide et des couleurs plus marquées. Arrosage : Laissez sécher la surface du sol entre les arrosages. Un excès d'eau peut provoquer la pourriture des racines, donc assurez-vous que le pot soit bien drainé. Humidité : Elle se satisfait d'une humidité ambiante moyenne, mais appréciera une légère brumisation en cas de sécheresse extrême. Température : Maintenez une température entre 18°C et 26°C. Évitez les températures en dessous de 13°C. Entretien : Essuyez les feuilles régulièrement pour enlever la poussière et permettre une meilleure photosynthèse. Taillez les feuilles endommagées pour maintenir une apparence soignée. Facile à vivre et très décorative, la Dracaena 'Bantel’s Sensation' est parfaite pour ceux qui recherchent une plante à faible entretien tout en profitant d'un impact visuel saisissant dans leur intérieur.

Regular price $39.99 CAD
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Syngonium 'Milk confetti'


Beaucarnea recurvata

Beaucarnea recurvata

La Beaucarnea recurvata, plus connue sous le nom de "Pied d’éléphant", est une plante d’intérieur au look distinctif avec son large tronc renflé à la base, qui stocke de l'eau, et ses longues feuilles fines en cascade. Elle est parfaite pour apporter une touche exotique et élégante à n’importe quel espace. Sa silhouette unique fait d'elle une plante d'ornement très appréciée pour les intérieurs modernes. Entretien : Lumière : Elle préfère une lumière vive indirecte, mais tolère également une lumière plus modérée. Un peu de soleil direct peut aussi lui convenir. Arrosage : Arrosez modérément et laissez le sol sécher entre les arrosages. En raison de son tronc qui retient l’eau, elle peut tolérer une certaine sécheresse. Humidité : Elle se satisfait d’une humidité moyenne et n'a pas de besoins particuliers en termes d’humidité élevée. Température : Idéale entre 18°C et 27°C, mais elle peut supporter des températures plus basses, à condition qu'elles ne descendent pas en dessous de 10°C. Entretien : Facile à entretenir, cette plante nécessite peu de soins. Taillez les feuilles sèches au besoin pour garder une apparence soignée. Avec son allure spectaculaire et son faible besoin d'entretien, la Beaucarnea recurvata est un excellent choix pour les amateurs de plantes souhaitant ajouter une touche de nature sculpturale à leur intérieur.

Regular price $12.99 CAD
Regular price $16.99 CAD Sale price $12.99 CAD
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Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

La Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, également connue sous le nom de "Mini Monstera" en raison de la ressemblance de ses feuilles avec celles de la Monstera deliciosa, est une plante d'intérieur très prisée pour sa croissance rapide et sa facilité d'entretien. Originaire des forêts tropicales d'Asie du Sud-Est, cette plante est devenue populaire en raison de sa capacité à grimper et à s'étendre, ainsi que de son attrait esthétique.Les feuilles de la Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma sont en forme de cœur et présentent des découpes caractéristiques qui lui confèrent un aspect tropical et exotique. Elle est appréciée pour sa croissance vigoureuse et sa capacité à s'adapter à une variété de conditions d'éclairage, allant de la lumière vive à la lumière moyenne.Pour prendre soin de la Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, placez-la dans un endroit lumineux à modérément lumineux, mais évitez une exposition directe au soleil, car cela pourrait brûler ses feuilles délicates. Cette plante préfère un niveau d'humidité élevé, alors assurez-vous de pulvériser régulièrement de l'eau sur le feuillage ou de placer un humidificateur à proximité.Arrosez la plante lorsque le dessus du sol commence à sécher, mais ne laissez pas le sol devenir complètement sec. Assurez-vous que le pot a un bon drainage pour éviter la pourriture des racines. Pendant la saison de croissance, fertilisez-la légèrement avec un engrais équilibré dilué environ une fois par mois pour encourager une croissance saine.La Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma peut être cultivée dans un pot avec un support pour grimper ou être placée dans un panier suspendu pour mettre en valeur sa croissance grimpante. Elle peut également être utilisée comme plante grimpante pour ajouter de la verdure et de la texture à votre espace intérieur.En suivant ces conseils simples d'entretien, vous pourrez profiter pleinement de la beauté exotique de la Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma dans votre maison ou votre bureau. Avec ses feuilles attrayantes et sa croissance vigoureuse, elle ajoutera une touche tropicale à n'importe quel environnement intérieur. *Nos plantes sont vendues en pot de culture, cache-pot non inclus.

Regular price $18.99 CAD
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Monstera Standleyana 'Albo' variegata

Monstera Standleyana 'Albo' variegata

Monstera Standleyana 'Albo' Variegata is a rare and sought-after variety of Monstera, known for its thick, glossy, slightly elongated foliage. Its dark green leaves are elegantly marbled with creamy white or pale yellow, creating a dramatic contrast. Unlike other Monstera varieties, Standleyana does not have perforations in its leaves, but it is still an exotic climbing plant that thrives in a well-lit indoor environment. Care : Light : It prefers bright indirect light to maintain its variegation. Too little light can make the leaves less mottled, while direct sunlight can burn its leaves. Watering : Water sparingly, allowing the soil surface to dry out between waterings. Too much water can cause root rot, so make sure the pot has good drainage. Humidity : Monstera Standleyana 'Albo' appreciates moderate to high humidity. If the air is dry, mist the leaves regularly or place the plant in a room that is naturally more humid, such as the bathroom. Temperature : It thrives in temperatures between 18°C and 27°C. Protect it from cold drafts and temperatures below 15°C. Fertilizer : Fertilize once a month during the growing season (spring-summer) with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Repotting : Repot every 2-3 years, or when roots begin to emerge from the pot. Use a well-drained substrate rich in organic matter. Monstera Standleyana 'Albo' Variegata is an elegant and easy-to-maintain houseplant that is perfect for adding a touch of exoticism and sophistication to any space. Its beautiful marbled leaves make it a real centerpiece!

Regular price From $19.99 CAD
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Tradescantia spathacea 'Tricolor'

Tradescantia spathacea 'Tricolor'

Tradescantia spathacea 'Tricolor' , also known as Rhoeo 'Tricolor' , is a popular houseplant for its vibrant foliage. Its sword-shaped leaves feature green and pink stripes on the top, with a bright magenta reverse, providing a striking contrast. Care : Light : Place the plant in a location with bright but indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, while insufficient light can dull its bright colors. Watering : Water regularly, ensuring that the substrate dries out slightly between waterings. Avoid soaking the soil, as excess moisture can lead to root rot. Humidity : This plant tolerates indoor humidity, but appreciates a slight increase in humidity, especially in winter. Temperature : It thrives at temperatures between 18 and 24°C. Protect it from cold drafts and sudden temperature changes. Substrate : Use a well-draining potting soil, ideally a houseplant mix enriched with organic matter. Fertilizer : During the growing season (spring and summer), provide a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks to support its development. Pruning : To encourage compact growth and promote branching, pinch back the ends of the stems regularly. Tradescantia spathacea 'Tricolor' is a hardy and easy-care plant that is ideal for adding a splash of colour to your home. With proper care, it will reward you with vibrant foliage and vigorous growth.

Regular price $14.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $14.99 CAD
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