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Nematanthus 'Goldfish'

Nematanthus 'Goldfish'

Nematanthus , also known as the "goldfish plant", is a perennial houseplant belonging to the Gesneriaceae family. It is native to the tropical rainforests of South America, mainly Brazil. Its common name comes from its small, fish-shaped flowers, which are usually bright orange or red. The rounded, slightly swollen shape of the flowers is indeed reminiscent of a fish, making it a fun decorative plant. The foliage of Nematanthus consists of small, oval, shiny, waxy leaves that have a thick texture typical of succulents. It is often grown as a hanging basket to show off its drooping stems, making it an excellent ornamental plant for interiors. Nematanthus Care Light : Nematanthus prefers bright but indirect light. It can tolerate low light, but it blooms best in abundant light. Avoid exposing it to direct full sun, as this can burn its delicate leaves. Watering : Although this plant has slightly succulent leaves that can retain moisture, it prefers regular but moderate watering. Wait until the soil surface is dry before watering, especially in winter. In summer, increase the frequency of watering slightly, but avoid leaving the roots in standing water. Humidity : Nematanthus likes a humid environment. If the air in your home is dry, especially in winter with the heating on, you can increase the humidity around the plant by misting it lightly or placing a humidifier nearby. Temperature : This plant prefers temperatures between 18 and 24°C. It does not tolerate cold and must be protected from cold drafts, especially if grown near an open window in winter. Substrate : Use a light, well-drained potting soil. A tropical plant mix or African violet potting soil may work well, as Nematanthus likes slightly acidic, well-aerated soil. Fertilization : During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize every 4 to 6 weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted by half. Reduce fertilization in the fall and winter when growth slows. Repotting : Repot every two years, in spring, in a slightly larger pot. Use a pot with good drainage, as the roots do not tolerate excess water. Pruning : Prune stems after flowering to promote more compact growth and encourage new flowering. You can also remove dead or damaged leaves. Propagation : Nematanthus is easily propagated by stem cuttings. Take a 10 cm cutting, let it dry for a day or two, then place it in a moist mixture of cutting soil. Roots should appear within a few weeks. Toxicity : Nematanthus is not toxic to pets, making it a safe plant to have in the home if you have pets. Nematanthus is an easy-care plant that's perfect for beginners and experienced houseplant enthusiasts alike, with its playful flowers and lush foliage that add an exotic touch to any indoor space.

Regular price $19.99 CAD
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Chlorophytum Laxum "Bonnie "Curly spider" 4"

Chlorophytum Laxum "Bonnie "Curly spider" 4"

Le Chlorophytum Bonnie, communément appelé "plante araignée frisée" est une variété de Chlorophytum très appréciée pour son feuillage unique et ses qualités ornementales. Contrairement au Chlorophytum classique, ses feuilles sont légèrement torsadées et frisées, avec des bandes vertes et blanches. Elle produit également de longues tiges fines qui portent des petites plantules (bébés) pouvant être replantées, rappelant la forme d’une araignée, d’où son surnom. OrigineOriginaire d'Afrique du Sud, cette plante est connue pour sa robustesse et sa capacité à s’adapter à divers environnements d'intérieur. Entretien du Chlorophytum Bonnie Lumière : Elle préfère une lumière vive indirecte, mais peut tolérer une faible luminosité. Evitez cependant le soleil direct, qui pourrait brûler ses feuilles. Arrosage : Gardez le sol légèrement humide. Arrosez lorsque la couche supérieure du sol est sèche, en général une fois par semaine. En hiver, réduisez la fréquence d'arrosage car la plante entre en dormance. Humidité : Elle n'est pas trop exigeante en termes d'humidité, mais une humidité modérée (40-50 %) est idéale. Vaporiser légèrement les feuilles pendant les périodes sèches ou en hiver peut être bénéfique. Température : Le Chlorophytum Bonnie prospère dans des températures entre 18 et 24°C. Il supporte mal les températures inférieures à 10°C ou les courants d'air froid. Substrat : Un terreau bien drainant, composé de terre pour plantes d’intérieur mélangée à un peu de perlite, est parfait pour éviter que les racines ne pourrissent. Fertilisation : Fertilisez une fois par mois pendant la saison de croissance (printemps et été) avec un engrais liquide équilibré. En automne et en hiver, il n'est pas nécessaire de fertiliser. Entretien des feuilles : Nettoyez les feuilles de temps en temps pour enlever la poussière et permettre une bonne respiration de la plante. Les bouts bruns des feuilles peuvent être coupés à l’aide de ciseaux désinfectés. Rempotage : Rempotez tous les 1 à 2 ans, lorsque la plante devient trop grande pour son pot. Le Chlorophytum Bonnie aime être légèrement à l’étroit dans son pot, donc choisissez un pot légèrement plus grand lors du rempotage. Multiplication : Le Chlorophytum Bonnie se multiplie facilement grâce à ses plantules (bébés araignées) qui poussent à l'extrémité de ses tiges. Vous pouvez les détacher et les replanter dans un petit pot avec de la terre pour les voir grandir. Toxicité : Cette plante est non toxique pour les animaux domestiques, ce qui en fait un excellent choix pour les foyers avec des animaux. Le Chlorophytum Bonnie est une plante facile d'entretien et très décorative, parfaite pour les débutants et pour ajouter une touche de verdure élégante à votre maison.

Regular price $16.99 CAD
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Asplenium nidus 'Crispy wave'

Asplenium nidus 'Crispy wave'

  Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave' , also known as Japanese bird's nest fern or simply "Crispy Wave", is a houseplant favored for its wavy, glossy fronds, which add an exotic touch to any space . Native to tropical regions of Asia, it is characterized by its bright green, textured leaves, growing in a dense rosette reminiscent of a bird's nest. Care: Light : This fern prefers indirect and moderate light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn its fronds. It can also tolerate low light conditions, but filtered light is ideal for optimal growth. Water : Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Water regularly, avoiding leaving stagnant water in the saucer. Use room temperature water and, if possible, avoid hard water. Soil : Use a well-draining potting soil, rich in organic matter. A houseplant mix with added perlite or sand works well to provide good drainage. Humidity : Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave' likes humid environments. Increase humidity by placing the plant on a clay ball tray filled with water or using a humidifier. Temperature : This fern prefers moderate temperatures, between 18 and 24°C. It does not tolerate cold drafts or temperatures below 15°C well. Fertilizer : Fertilize lightly during the growing season (spring and summer) with a diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer, about once a month. Avoid over-fertilizing, which can damage the plant. Maintenance : Remove yellowed or damaged fronds regularly to encourage new growth. Make sure the crown of the plant, in the center of the rosette, remains free of debris and water accumulation to prevent rot. By following these tips, Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave' will thrive and bring a lively, decorative touch of greenery to your home.

Regular price $12.99 CAD
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Aeschynanthus radicans 'Twister'

Aeschynanthus radicans 'Twister'

  Aeschynanthus radicans 'Twister', commonly known as the "lipstick twister plant", is a houseplant loved for its vibrant flowers and unique foliage. Its thick, shiny, dark green leaves grow in a spiral, giving the plant a distinctive twisted appearance. Its tube-shaped red flowers, reminiscent of lipstick, add a pop of bright color, especially attractive when they cascade from hanging baskets. Care : Light : This plant prefers bright, indirect light. Exposure to filtered light near a window is ideal. Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn its leaves. Water : Water regularly but allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. In winter, reduce the frequency of watering. Use room temperature water and make sure the pot has good drainage to avoid standing water. Soil : Use a well-draining, slightly acidic potting soil, ideal for indoor plants. An epiphytic plant mix or a light potting soil with perlite works well. Humidity : Aeschynanthus 'Twister' likes humid environments. Increase humidity by misting the plant regularly or using a humidifier, especially in winter when the air is dry. Temperature : Maintain a room temperature between 18 and 24°C. The plant does not tolerate temperatures below 15°C or cold drafts well. Fertilizer : During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize every two to four weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. Reduce fertilization in fall and winter. Care : Prune lightly after flowering to maintain a compact shape and encourage new growth. Remove spent flowers and dead leaves to keep the plant healthy. By following these tips, Aeschynanthus radicans 'Twister' will thrive, offering vibrant flowers and attractive foliage, perfect for brightening up your home. Last photo for information purposes, mature plant. *Our plants are sold in growing pots.

Regular price $16.99 CAD
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Palm tree Chamaedorea cataractarum

Palm tree Chamaedorea cataractarum

Average height: 5'The Cataractarum palm, scientifically known as Chamaedorea cataractarum, is an indoor plant prized for its tropical beauty and ease of care. Native to Central America, this plant is prized for its lush foliage and ability to thrive in indoor environments.With its dark green, feather-like leaves and gracefully arching stems, the Cataractarum palm adds an exotic touch to any indoor space. Its dense foliage creates a relaxing, tropical atmosphere, making it a popular choice for homes, offices and commercial spaces.In terms of care, the Cataractarum palm thrives in a bright environment with bright to partial indirect light. It's best to avoid direct sunlight, as this can damage the leaves. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid excess water, which could lead to root rot. This plant also appreciates a moderate level of humidity. You can increase the humidity around the plant by placing a tray of pebbles filled with water under the pot, or by regularly spraying the leaves with clean water.The Cataractarum palm is renowned for its resistance to pests and disease, making it an ideal choice for novice gardeners or those looking for an undemanding plant. With the right care, your Cataractarum palm can become a magnificent centerpiece in your home, adding a touch of tropical nature and a soothing ambience to your living space.

Regular price $64.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $64.99 CAD
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Hoya 'Rosita' 4"

Hoya 'Rosita' 4"

Hoya Wayetii x Tsangii hybrid ****Last photo at maturity (for information only)**** Hoya 'Rosita' is a variety of Hoya, also known as wax flower or wax ivy, that is prized for its magnificent flowers and attractive foliage. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae family and is native to tropical regions of Asia and Australia. It is often grown as a houseplant in temperate climates. Hoyas are climbing succulents, and Hoya 'Rosita' is no exception. It is distinguished by its fleshy, shiny leaves, often dark green, and by its magnificent star-shaped flowers which can be pink or pink, hence its name. The flowers often give off a sweet scent, especially in the evening, which adds to their appeal. To care for your Hoya 'Rosita', place it in a bright location out of direct sunlight. This plant tolerates medium to bright light conditions well. Water it moderately, letting the substrate dry slightly between waterings. Hoyas also like a relatively high humidity level, so be sure to mist the leaves regularly. Hoya 'Rosita' is a relatively easy to care for houseplant, ideal for beginner gardeners or those looking for an undemanding plant with beautiful blooms. With its beautiful pink flowers and attractive foliage, it can add a touch of elegance and charm to your home or office, creating a real focal point in your living space. *Our plants are sold in growing pots, pot holders not included.

Regular price $24.99 CAD
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Tillandsia Usneoides

Tillandsia Usneoides

Approx. length 24" Tillandsia Usneoides , commonly known as "Spanish moss", is a rootless epiphytic plant that grows in long, silvery-gray, pendulous, and light filaments. Native to tropical and subtropical regions of America, this air plant is often seen hanging from trees, bringing an elegant and airy touch to any environment. Unlike most plants, it does not plant itself in the ground, but hangs and captures its nutrients and water directly from the air. Care : Light : Tillandsia Usneoides prefers bright indirect light. It can tolerate morning or late afternoon sun, but avoid intense direct sun which can dry it out. Watering : Spray the plant generously several times a week with non-calcareous water (rain or filtered water). Allow to dry completely between waterings. In dry climates, a weekly immersion in water for 15-20 minutes is recommended. Humidity : It likes high humidity, so it thrives in humid environments or when misted regularly. In dry homes, a humidifier can be beneficial. Temperature : Ideal between 15°C and 30°C. It tolerates a certain variation in temperature, but does not resist frost. Fertilizer : You can spray a diluted liquid fertilizer for epiphytes once a month during the growing season (spring-summer), but it is not mandatory. Location : Hang in a well-ventilated area where air can circulate freely. It looks great hanging from hooks or draped over branches or decorative supports. Tillandsia Usneoides is a fascinating and undemanding plant, perfect for creating a natural and original atmosphere without the need for a pot or soil!

Regular price $25.00 CAD
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Mammillaria hahniana

Mammillaria hahniana

Mammillaria hahniana , nicknamed "old lady cactus" because of its soft and woolly appearance, is a small species of cactus very popular in cactus collections. Native to Mexico, it is recognizable by its globular body, covered with fine white spines and a kind of woolly down that gives it a cottony appearance. The cactus forms a compact rosette, often solitary, but it can also group together over time to form small colonies. Its ring-shaped flowers, which usually appear in spring or summer, are pink or purple, and add a pleasant contrast to the green of the cactus. In autumn, this cactus sometimes produces small red fruits. Mammillaria hahniana Care Light : Mammillaria hahniana appreciates bright, direct light . Place it in a sunny spot, such as a south-facing window. A lack of light can slow its growth and prevent it from flowering. Watering : As with many cacti, it is essential to allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Water sparingly in spring and summer (about every 10 to 14 days), but reduce watering in the fall, and stop almost completely in winter , when the plant goes dormant. Avoid waterlogging in the pot, as this can cause root rot. Humidity : Mammillaria hahniana prefers a dry environment and does not require additional humidity. It tolerates dry air in homes well, making it an ideal houseplant. Temperature : This cactus thrives in warm temperatures, between 18 and 24°C . It tolerates cooler temperatures in winter (down to about 10°C), as long as it is kept dry. Protect it from frost, as it does not tolerate temperatures below 0°C. Substrate : Well-draining soil is crucial. Use a special cactus and succulent mix or a lightweight potting soil mixed with coarse sand or perlite to ensure quick drainage. Fertilization : During the growing season (spring and summer), you can apply cactus fertilizer once a month, diluting the fertilizer to half the recommended dose. No fertilization is necessary during the winter. Repotting : Mammillaria cactus does not need to be repotted frequently. Repotting every 2 to 3 years, in the spring, is sufficient, making sure to choose a pot with excellent drainage. Use gloves or a cloth to handle the cactus to avoid pricking yourself. Flowering : With good light conditions, this cactus flowers regularly in spring or summer. Its pink flowers form a ring around the top of the plant, adding a colorful touch to its globular shape. Propagation : Mammillaria hahniana can be propagated by cuttings of suckers if it forms groups, or by seed. Propagation by seed is longer, but quite common for this type of cactus. Toxicity : This cactus is not poisonous, but its spines can cause minor injuries. Handle with care. Mammillaria hahniana is an easy-care decorative cactus, ideal for those who like low-maintenance plants. With its colorful flowers and fluffy appearance, it brings a touch of charm to any indoor plant collection.

Regular price $29.99 CAD
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Lithops , often called rock plants or stone plants , are succulents native to the arid regions of South Africa. Their unique appearance, which mimics rocks or stones, is an adaptation to blend into their environment and evade predators. Each plant is composed of two fleshy, fused, dome-shaped leaves that form a compact structure. Lithops range in color from gray to brown to green, often with patterns and marbling that give them a natural appearance. In autumn, these little wonders produce pretty white or yellow, daisy-like flowers that emerge from the centre of the leaves. Lithops Care Light : Lithops need plenty of direct light to thrive. Place them in a location where they can get several hours of sunlight per day, such as a well-exposed window. They will also tolerate strong artificial light if natural exposure is lacking. Watering : Lithops are succulents that require very little water. Water sparingly, and only when the soil is completely dry, which can mean every 2 to 3 weeks in the summer. In the winter, during their resting period, avoid watering altogether , as excess moisture can cause root or leaf rot. A simple rule is to never let water stagnate in the pot. Humidity : They prefer a dry environment and do not need additional humidity. An environment that is too humid can be detrimental to their health, especially in low light conditions. Temperature : Lithops thrive in warm temperatures, around 20 to 30°C. They tolerate high temperatures well, but should be protected from frost or temperatures below 10°C. Substrate : A very well-draining substrate is essential for Lithops. Use a specific mix for cacti and succulents, or prepare a homemade mix composed of light potting soil, coarse sand and gravel. Drainage must be optimal to avoid water retention. Fertilization : Lithops do not need a lot of nutrients. A diluted fertilizer, specifically designed for cacti and succulents, can be applied once a year in spring or early summer. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can hinder their growth. Repotting : Lithops do not need to be repotted often, as they like to be cramped in their pot. If necessary, repot them every 3 to 4 years in the spring, in a pot with excellent drainage. Life Cycle : Lithops replace their leaves every year. A new pair of leaves grows inside the old ones, and eventually the old ones dry out and disappear. During this time, it is crucial not to water , as the new leaves use the water reserves of the old ones to grow. Propagation : Lithops can be propagated by seed, but this requires patience, as germination can take several months and the plant takes years to reach its adult size. They can also be propagated by division if several plants form from a single one. Toxicity : Lithops are non-toxic, making them safe plants to grow in homes with pets or children. Lithops are fascinating plants that are easy to care for succulent lovers, as long as you respect their specific light and watering needs. Their unique appearance and low water requirements make them ideal for those who love plants but sometimes forget to water.

Regular price $14.99 CAD
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