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Glazed ceramic planter

Glazed ceramic planter

ECX-115, ECX-116, ECX-117 Opening: 4.75”

Regular price $19.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $19.99 CAD
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Square patterned plant pot

Square patterned plant pot

Modern/aztek/Boho chic CNP-181

Regular price $4.99 CAD
Regular price $6.99 CAD Sale price $4.99 CAD
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Planter color palette/support

Planter color palette/support

Trendy vintage style planter on wooden support. Material: Stoneware/Ceramic Opening: 4.5" Color: Earth tones

Regular price $18.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $18.99 CAD
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Planter on feet

Planter on feet

Bohemian style. Made of concrete. CNP-211

Regular price $10.99 CAD
Regular price $15.99 CAD Sale price $10.99 CAD
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Textured plant pot

Textured plant pot

Plant pot with glossy effect. Romantic style. ECX-097

Regular price $15.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $15.99 CAD
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Gift card - Gift card

Gift card - Gift card

Regular price $20.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 CAD
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Chlorophytum Laxum "Bonnie "Curly spider" 4"

Chlorophytum Laxum "Bonnie "Curly spider" 4"

Le Chlorophytum Bonnie, communément appelé "plante araignée frisée" est une variété de Chlorophytum très appréciée pour son feuillage unique et ses qualités ornementales. Contrairement au Chlorophytum classique, ses feuilles sont légèrement torsadées et frisées, avec des bandes vertes et blanches. Elle produit également de longues tiges fines qui portent des petites plantules (bébés) pouvant être replantées, rappelant la forme d’une araignée, d’où son surnom. OrigineOriginaire d'Afrique du Sud, cette plante est connue pour sa robustesse et sa capacité à s’adapter à divers environnements d'intérieur. Entretien du Chlorophytum Bonnie Lumière : Elle préfère une lumière vive indirecte, mais peut tolérer une faible luminosité. Evitez cependant le soleil direct, qui pourrait brûler ses feuilles. Arrosage : Gardez le sol légèrement humide. Arrosez lorsque la couche supérieure du sol est sèche, en général une fois par semaine. En hiver, réduisez la fréquence d'arrosage car la plante entre en dormance. Humidité : Elle n'est pas trop exigeante en termes d'humidité, mais une humidité modérée (40-50 %) est idéale. Vaporiser légèrement les feuilles pendant les périodes sèches ou en hiver peut être bénéfique. Température : Le Chlorophytum Bonnie prospère dans des températures entre 18 et 24°C. Il supporte mal les températures inférieures à 10°C ou les courants d'air froid. Substrat : Un terreau bien drainant, composé de terre pour plantes d’intérieur mélangée à un peu de perlite, est parfait pour éviter que les racines ne pourrissent. Fertilisation : Fertilisez une fois par mois pendant la saison de croissance (printemps et été) avec un engrais liquide équilibré. En automne et en hiver, il n'est pas nécessaire de fertiliser. Entretien des feuilles : Nettoyez les feuilles de temps en temps pour enlever la poussière et permettre une bonne respiration de la plante. Les bouts bruns des feuilles peuvent être coupés à l’aide de ciseaux désinfectés. Rempotage : Rempotez tous les 1 à 2 ans, lorsque la plante devient trop grande pour son pot. Le Chlorophytum Bonnie aime être légèrement à l’étroit dans son pot, donc choisissez un pot légèrement plus grand lors du rempotage. Multiplication : Le Chlorophytum Bonnie se multiplie facilement grâce à ses plantules (bébés araignées) qui poussent à l'extrémité de ses tiges. Vous pouvez les détacher et les replanter dans un petit pot avec de la terre pour les voir grandir. Toxicité : Cette plante est non toxique pour les animaux domestiques, ce qui en fait un excellent choix pour les foyers avec des animaux. Le Chlorophytum Bonnie est une plante facile d'entretien et très décorative, parfaite pour les débutants et pour ajouter une touche de verdure élégante à votre maison.

Regular price $16.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $16.99 CAD
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Cotyledon pendens

Cotyledon pendens

Cotyledon pendens is a rare succulent plant, native to South Africa, distinguished by its drooping stems and fleshy leaves. Its grayish-green or pale green leaves are covered with a thin layer of bloom, giving a slightly powdery appearance. When in flower, Cotyledon pendens produces beautiful bell-shaped flowers, usually orange to coral red in color, hanging from the ends of its drooping stems. This plant is ideal for hanging baskets, as it has a predominantly drooping growth habit. Origin It grows naturally in rocky, dry areas in South Africa, where it benefits from plenty of light and well-drained soil. Cotyledon Pendens Care Light : It requires bright, direct light. Place it near a sunny window so that it can benefit from several hours of light each day. Insufficient sunlight could slow its growth and reduce flower production. Watering : Like all succulents, Cotyledon pendens prefers moderate, spaced-out watering. Water when the soil is completely dry, usually every two to three weeks. In winter, reduce watering even more as the plant enters a dormant period. Humidity : It prefers a dry environment, and tolerates dry indoor air very well. Avoid misting the plant, as excessive humidity could cause leaf rot. Temperature : Cotyledon pendens likes warm temperatures and can tolerate an ambient temperature of 18 to 26°C. It does not appreciate temperatures below 10°C and must be protected from frost. Substrate : A well-draining potting soil is essential to prevent root rot. Use a special cactus and succulent mix to improve drainage. Fertilization : Fertilize once a month during the active growing season (spring and summer) with a specific succulent fertilizer, diluted to half strength. No fertilization is necessary during the winter. Repotting : Repot the plant every 2-3 years in spring, when the roots begin to fill the pot. Choose a slightly larger pot with good drainage holes. Pruning : Prune dead or damaged stems to maintain a healthy appearance and encourage new growth. Propagation : Cotyledon pendens is easily propagated by cuttings. You can cut a healthy stem, let the cutting dry for a few days, then plant it in a well-drained substrate. It is also possible to propagate this plant from its leaves. Toxicity : Cotyledon pendens is toxic if ingested, so keep it out of reach of pets and children. This hanging plant is ideal for adding an exotic touch to a sunny interior, with its unique foliage and vibrant flowers that bring real elegance to any space.

Regular price $19.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $19.99 CAD
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Dracaena sanderiana "Lucky Bamboo"

Dracaena sanderiana "Lucky Bamboo"

Lucky Bamboo, often associated with Feng Shui, is a very popular houseplant. Although it is called "bamboo", it actually belongs to the Dracaena family. It has upright stems that resemble those of bamboo, with glossy green leaves growing at the top. Sometimes twisted or formed into a spiral, it is often sold in decorative arrangements in water, and symbolizes good luck, prosperity and harmony. Origin Native to Central Africa and Southeast Asia, Lucky Bamboo is prized for its ability to grow in water or soil, making it a very easy-care houseplant. Lucky Bamboo Care Light : It prefers bright but indirect light. Too much direct light can burn its leaves, while too little light will stunt its growth. Watering (in water) : If growing in water, change the water every two weeks. Use distilled water or rainwater, as tap water may contain chemicals that are harmful to the plant, including chlorine. Make sure the roots are always submerged in about 2 to 5 cm of water. Watering (in soil) : If you are planting Lucky Bamboo in potting soil, water it regularly so that the soil remains slightly moist, but not soggy. Humidity : Lucky Bamboo prefers a relatively humid environment. If the air is dry, mist the leaves from time to time. Temperature : It grows well in temperatures between 18 and 24°C. It does not tolerate temperatures below 10°C. Fertilizer : A diluted liquid fertilizer can be added to the water or soil once every two months to stimulate growth. Use a low concentration to avoid burning the roots. Substrate : If planted in the ground, a well-draining potting soil is ideal. Repotting : If the roots become too dense or suffocate in their container, you can repot your Lucky Bamboo into a larger pot with soil or continue growing it in water. Toxicity : This plant is slightly toxic to pets, so keep it out of their reach. Lucky Bamboo is an easy-care plant, ideal for beginners and known to attract positive energies into the home.

Regular price $4.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.99 CAD
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Eucalyptus "Glacier"

Eucalyptus "Glacier"

Glacier Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus gunnii 'Glacier') is a small tree or shrub native to Australia, prized for its silvery blue-green foliage and refreshing fragrance. Its leaves are round when young and become more elongated as they mature. The foliage gives off a pleasant eucalyptus scent when crushed, making it a popular choice for bouquets, flower arrangements, and even to repel insects. Outdoors, Eucalyptus Glacier can grow several metres tall, but in pots or indoors, it generally remains smaller and is easy to prune to control its growth. It brings an exotic and elegant touch to gardens and well-lit interior spaces. Eucalyptus Glacier Care Light : Eucalyptus Glacier likes bright, direct light. Place it in a location where it can receive at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. Indoors, place it near a sunny window. Watering : Watering should be regular but moderate. Keep the soil slightly moist, but make sure it is well drained. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, especially in winter when the plant is less active. If the plant is in a pot, avoid allowing water to stagnate in the saucer. Humidity : Although eucalyptus prefers a rather dry environment, it can tolerate moderate humidity conditions. No need to mist the leaves, as it prefers well-ventilated air. Temperature : This cultivar is relatively cold hardy compared to other eucalyptus varieties. It tolerates temperatures down to -10°C, making it a good choice for temperate climates. Indoors, it prefers an ambient temperature between 15 and 24°C. Substrate : Well-draining soil is essential to prevent root rot. A mixture of outdoor plant soil with sand or perlite can improve drainage. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to prevent excess moisture. Fertilization : Use a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the active growing season (spring and summer). No need to fertilize in fall and winter. Repotting : Repot eucalyptus every 1-2 years, as it can quickly become cramped. Choose a slightly larger pot with good drainage, and do this in early spring. Pruning : Prune regularly to control the size and shape of the tree, especially indoors. Pruning can also stimulate the production of young, round leaves, which are often more decorative. Propagation : Eucalyptus is propagated by seed, but this is a lengthy process. For faster propagation, you can try cuttings by taking young shoots and rooting them in moist substrate, although this can be tricky. Toxicity : Eucalyptus leaves are slightly toxic to pets if ingested, so it is advisable to keep the plant out of their reach. The Eucalyptus Glacier is a perfect plant to bring a Mediterranean touch to your outdoor spaces or to serve as an ornamental tree indoors.

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 CAD
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Euphorbia lactea 'White ghost'

Euphorbia lactea 'White ghost'

Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' is a rare and spectacular variety of the Euphorbiaceae family. Unlike the traditional Euphorbia lactea, which is green, the 'White Ghost' variety is almost entirely white or cream, sometimes with subtle hints of green or pale pink on the young shoots. This plant has a very sculptural appearance, with its angular, spiny stems, which give it a cactus-like appearance, despite being a euphorbia. The striking contrast of its white stems makes it a highly prized plant in succulent and rare plant collections. This plant can reach up to 1.5 meters in height indoors and even more outdoors, but its growth is generally quite slow. Like all euphorbias, it produces a white latex that is irritating to the skin and toxic if ingested. Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' Care Light : Euphorbia 'White Ghost' requires bright light, preferably full sun , to maintain its distinctive white color. It can tolerate indirect light, but this may affect its growth and color. A location near a well-lit window is ideal. Watering : Like many succulents, Euphorbia 'White Ghost' prefers to be watered lightly. Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering. Water sparingly in summer (every 10 to 14 days), but reduce watering drastically in winter as it enters a dormant period. Avoid overwatering, which can cause root rot. Humidity : This plant tolerates dry air well, and humidity is not a critical factor. It adapts perfectly to indoor environments, even with low humidity. Temperature : Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' prefers warm temperatures, between 18 and 26°C. It can tolerate cooler temperatures, but does not tolerate frost (avoid exposure to temperatures below 10°C). Substrate : Use a well-draining substrate, such as a special cactus and succulent mix, or a lightweight potting soil with added sand or perlite to improve drainage. Good drainage is essential to prevent root rot. Fertilization : This plant does not need much fertilizer. You can give it a light cactus or succulent fertilizer diluted during the growing season (spring and summer), about once a month. It is not necessary to fertilize during the winter. Repotting : Repot Euphorbia 'White Ghost' every 2 to 3 years, or when it outgrows its pot. Repotting should be done in the spring. Choose a slightly larger pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Pruning : Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' does not require regular pruning, but you can cut off damaged or unwanted stems. Wear gloves when pruning to avoid contact with the irritating sap. Propagation : The plant can be propagated by cuttings, although this requires some precautions. Cut a healthy stem, let it dry for several days to allow the wound to heal, then plant it in a well-drained substrate. Wear gloves when doing this, as the sap can be irritating. Toxicity : Like all euphorbias, Euphorbia 'White Ghost' is toxic . Its milky sap can cause skin and eye irritation, and it is toxic if ingested. It is therefore important to handle it with care, wearing gloves, and to keep it out of reach of children and pets. Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' is a unique houseplant that catches the eye with its graphic shape and white color.

Regular price $39.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $39.99 CAD
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